Phygital Beauty
Physical + Digital = Phygital
Phygital Beauty
Physical + Digital = Phygital
Let’s get phygital: The future of the beauty industry?
What is it?
Creation of a blended customer experience where both the physical and the digital coexist in the same journey / environment.
It is crucial that digital and physical merge so customers can experience the products first-hand, then be reminded while they’re within the digital realms of their choices to buy what they already tried and physically experienced.
Many consumers will feel more connected to a brand or product when their five senses are activated, rather than just clicking through a site or reading a newsletter.
How might phygital marketing evolve in the next decade?
For most of us, 2030 feels far away – but if we can conclude anything from the past, it’s that we can’t predict the future. Marketing has shifted dramatically since 2010.
There will be a stronger emphasis on experiences that offer real-time data that’s tailored to a user’s in-store journey. Imagine going to a beauty store you frequently go and you’re asked to “check in” upon arrival. When you meet-and-greet with a salesperson, they project your purchase history, exact skin condition, favorite looks and colors on a screen, then demonstrate what product you should buy next.
Fast forward, think of humanoids that learn and read each customer, using face recognition. They could learn about customer’s patterns, routine orders and personal details in order to predict advanced future purchases.
How does this apply to the cosmetic industry?
Virtual Try On
Virtual Hair Color Simulation
In-Store experience
Lush launched an experimental high-tech store in Shinjuku, Japan, including 24-hour digital shoppable windows and its own dedicated app.
The store is spread across three floors and will showcase a range of Lush’s best products. In an effort to reduce plastic packaging, Lush shoppers will now be able to receive detailed ingredient information and “how to use” demonstrations digitally via the #LushLabs app.
The app recognises every product in store via the shopper’s smart-phone camera, and provide them with all the information they need.
The phygital race is undoubtedly underway as companies strive to be ahead of the field in adopting phygital concepts, which leaves us to question:
What will be the next step in improving user experience in the beauty industries? And who will be driving that step – your brand or someone else’s?
Your personal contact

Sandra Gut
Senior Application Laboratory Manager Cosmetics
RAHN (UK) Ltd.