Discover the secret of an overnight scalp routine

Are you an owl? Does your day begin when night comes?

Just a reminder – when the sun goes down, diurnal animals like you and me need sleep to heal the mental and physical wounds of the day. This natural process also benefits our skin.

We have learned how to help our skin recover. A pre-sleep beauty routine is the norm and a must for many consumers, no matter if they are an owl or a lark. Many finished cosmetic products, such as cleansing milks, soothing/nourishing creams, and sensocosmetic products, are made to de-stress the mind and the body from a long day. Each of us can create the most appropriate routine for ourselves. We know how important it is…but are you doing the same for your scalp?


I daresay – probably not. The scalp is a part of the body that is still quite neglected, especially when it comes to night treatments. Even though daytime treatments are gaining some momentum, there are only a few different product types for scalp care, and they are usually oil-based and not suitable for use at night. In addition, these products usually require you to wash your hair the next morning. This does not help your hair and certainly not your pillow.

Nevertheless, the scalp, like the skin, is also in need of some care during the night. Indeed, there are some changes that occur during sleep, ‘including thermoregulation, maintenance of fluid balance, and barrier function’ (Article 'Nocturnal Pruritus: The Battle for a Peaceful Night’s Sleep'1). For example, circadian rhythm dictates that your temperature is higher in the evening, and this can cause an increase in itch intensity. In addition, corticosteroids are at a minimum level in the evening, leading to reduced natural anti-inflammatory activity in the body. This favours a rise in scalp redness and itchiness, which triggers a boost in sebum production. Overall, the night causes the scalp to be more sensitive.

For this reason, a very important countermeasure before going to bed is to apply a serum or lotion that will increase the anti-inflammatory response and balance sebum production on your scalp. After all, owls are also in need of beautiful plumage.


If you need an active ingredient that can help, check out our new product

1 Lavery, Michael Joseph et al. “Nocturnal Pruritus: The Battle for a Peaceful Night's Sleep.” International journal of molecular sciences vol. 17,3 425. 22 Mar. 2016, doi:10.3390/ijms17030425 


Pearls of Knowledge: Discover the secret of an overnight scalp routine


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