Our Sales Support

Our Sales Support

Customer Service & Supply Chain Management

If you want to ask someone about the Order Processing, you are at the right place with us. For us customer service is not merely a phrase, it is a synonym for serious work!

Our goal is to offer a perfect service from the initial order until the delivery of materials. Achieving high customer satisfaction means reaching our goal.

We are a professionally working team with many years of professional experience. Our major tasks are providing the customer´s commodity and dispatching it for the correct date. We are the interface between the supplier, logistic and customers. We coordinate the orders from A to Z.

If you have a request or question about the delivery date, the supply of material or the status of your deliveries, you are contacting the right team for this. The trustful relation to our customer and suppliers is important to us  as we would like to know what you require. We are interested to improve on-going our service by knowing your Needs.




General Terms and Conditions RAHN AG (Switzerland)

PDF, 3 Pages, 73,5 KB

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General Terms and Conditions RAHN GmbH (Germany)

PDF, 2 Pages, 53,3 KB

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General Terms and Conditions RAHN (UK) Ltd.

PDF, 2 Pages, 75,7 KB

  • EN

General Terms and Conditions RAHN USA Corp.

PDF, 2 Pages, 46,2 KB

  • EN

Your personal contact

Pia Zaugg

Pia Zaugg

Head of Customer Service Cosmetics


Simona Apollonio

Simona Apollonio

Head of Operations Cosmetics