How to stabilise
an O/W emulsion?
How to stabilise
an O/W emulsion?
40°C Stability
a) Oil separation
- Gellyfying agent: add or increase (f.e. Xanthan Gum)
- Emulsifier too low
- Oil phase not ideal / suitable for emulsifier (check polarity)
40°C Stability
b) Water separation
- Gellyfying agent: add, increase or decrease (f.e. Xanthan Gum)
- Check the choice of your thickener – f.e. electrolyte stable?
- Optimal ratio of emulsifier and co-emulsifier
6°C Stability
a) Water separation
- ”Antifreeze”: increase polyols (f.e. Glycerin)
6°C Stability
b) Grainy / Granules / Particles
- Reduce / optimise waxes and butter ratio as they can re-crystallize
- Optimise emulsifier ratio or system
Your personal contact
Sandra Gut
Senior Application Laboratory Manager Cosmetics
RAHN (UK) Ltd.