



Feel beauty in yourself whatever gender you are


An open-minded new generation of consumers is breaking down stereotypes, especially with regards to gender. Consumers are choosing to live and look the way they want to.

There are slight differences in skin texture between the sexes. But when it comes to skincare products, skin condition and concern should be the primary considerations when purchasing beauty products.

Learn more about how REFORCYL®-AION can help you feel beautiful in your skin despite your gender, race, age, or status.

Matching Make-up

Gender stereotypes are becoming a thing of the past. People are becoming more free to break the boundaries of what being a “girl” or a “boy” means.

With the gender spectrum becoming more and more broad, people are deciding for themselves, how they want to be recognised and seen. For men, this relaxation of gender norms mean, they are more able than ever to express their identity through the means of make-up. 


Cosmetic Services - two people sitting next to each other, one is putting make up on the other ones face, one has pink hair



RAHN-Good-to-Know_Matching Make Up

PDF, 7 Pages, 1.3 MB

  • EN

REFORCYL-AION: Scientific Publication_PC_0321

PDF, 4 Pages, 3,1 MB

  • EN

Your personal contact

Sandra Gut

Sandra Gut

Senior Application Laboratory Manager Cosmetics

RAHN (UK) Ltd.